
How to say ‘Thank You’ and ways to respond in Thai

The most important word that you need to know when traveling or living in Thailand is ‘Thank you!‘ as you will find many occasions to thank people and to show your respect and gratitude.

This blog post will guide you on how to say ‘Thank you’ and respond ‘You’re welcome’ in different ways.



How to say ‘Thank You’ in Thai

Simply, ‘thank you’ in Thai language is ขอบคุณ /khoob-khun/.

Most of the time, you will use this phrase with polite particles: ค่ะ /ka/ and ครับ /krab/. For examples:

  • ขอบคุณค่ะ /khoob-khun ka/ used by a female speaker
  • ขอบคุณครับ /khoob-khun krab/ used by a male speaker

And oftentimes, you also use this phrase with other friendly particles to make it sounds sweet and sincere. For example:

  • ขอบคุณนะ /khoob-khun na/ used with friends
  • ขอบคุณนะจ้ะ /khoob-khun na-ja/ commonly used by a female speaker with friends (It sounds really sweet)


Please note that when you say ‘Thank you’ to senior people, your boss or your parents, it’s common to put your palms together (wai ไหว้) as a way to show respect.

thank you in Thai - waiClick to Learn about ‘wai’ to greet in thank in a Thai way

Alternative ways to say ‘Thank you!’

Another way to say ‘Thank you’ but less formal is ขอบใจ /khoob-jai/ in which it also means ‘thank you’ in Laos. 


This word is quite casual so you will use it only for friends or anyone who is younger than you.

thank you in Thai

Thank you + Adverbs

Besides, you can use these two words: ขอบคุณ /khoob-khun/ and ขอบใจ /khoob-jai/ with different adverbs to show more gratitude:

For example:

  • ขอบคุณจริงๆ (khoob-khun jing-jing)
    = I truly thank you.
    จริงๆ /jing-jing/ means really, truly
  • ขอบคุณมากเลย (khoob-khun maak-loey)
    = I extremely thank you!
    มาก /maak/ = much
    เลย /loey/ = extreamly
  • ขอบใจโครต (khoob-jai khood)
    = Thanks a lot!
    โครต /khood/ = a lot (really informal)


Showing your gratitude

In addition, you can use other phrases to describe how grateful you are.

  • ซึ้งใจ /sueng-jai/
    = I am so touched. (appreciated)
  • ประทับใจ /bpra-tab-jai/
    = I am very impressed.
  • คุณใจดีจัง /khun jai-dii jang/
    = You’re so kind.
    ใจดี /jai-dii/ = kind
  • คุณมีน้ำใจ /khun mii nam-jai/
    = You are so (generous, caring or kind)
Please note that มีน้ำใจ /mii nam-jai/ is one of the important values in Thai society. It is a personality of being kind, caring and generous. If someone told you ‘khun mii nam-jai’, they really adore and appreciate you.

How to say ‘thank you for’

thank you for in thai

ขอบคุณสำหรับ …
/khoob-khun sam-rab…/
= Thank you for

  • ขอบคุณสำหรับอาหารมื้อนี้
    /khoob-khun sam-rab aa-haan mue-nii/
    = Thank you for this meal
  • ขอบคุณสำหรับเวลาดีๆ
    /khoob-khun sam-rab we-laa dii-dii/
    = Thank you for such a good time
  • ขอบคุณสำหรับของฝาก
    /khoob-khun sam-rab khoong-faak/
    = Thank you for the souvenir.

Please note that the word สำหรับ /sam-rab/means for and is used only with nouns. If you want to thank for any actions, you rather use ‘ที่’ /thii/ + verb.

  • ขอบคุณที่มาหา
    /khoob-khun thii maa-haa/
    = Thank you for your visit.
  • ขอบคุณที่มางานวันเกิด
    /khoob-khun thii maa ngaa-wan-gued/
    = Thank you for coming to the birthday party
  • ขอบคุณที่พาฉันไปเที่ยว
    /khoob-khun thii phaa chan pai-thiaw/
    = Thank you for taking me to travel

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How to say ‘You’re welcome!’ in Thai

Like in English, there are many words and phrases that can be used/said to respond to ‘Thank you’.  you're welcome in Thai
  • ไม่เป็นไร /mai-bpen-rai/ = It doesn’t matter!
  • ยินดี /yin-dii/ = It’s my pleasure (I would recommend using this phrase as it is much sweeter)
  • ไม่มีปัญหา /mai-mii bpan-haa/ = No problem! (You will use this word when you offered a help)
  • ไม่ต้องขอบคุณหรอก /mai-dtong khoob-khun rook/ = No need to thank
  • เต็มใจ /dtem-jai/ = It’s my will to help.
  • เล็กน้อย /lek-nooi/ = It’s such a small thing.

Dialogue Examples

Example 1: Michael is visitng Suda (his colleague) at the hospital with his full hands of fruits.

  • Michael: haai wai-wai na krab = get well soon!
  • Suda: khoob-khun maak-maak loey thii maa-yiam = Thank you so much for visiting me.
  • Micheal: yin-dii krab = It’s my pleasure!
  • Suda: khoob-khun sam-rab pon-la-mai duai na ka = Thank you for the fruits as well.
  • Micheal: phom dtem-jai = It’s my true will. 

Example 2: Sabrina’s car ran out of gas in the middle of a big road. A Thai man showed up to push the car to the side of the road. 

  • Sabrina: khob-khun maak-maak loey ka.  = Thank you so much! 
  • A man: mai mii pan-haa. Yin-dii thii chuay krab = No problem! I am glad to help!
  • Sabrina: khun mii-nam-jai maak! =You are such a very kind person.


It’s quite simple to say ‘Thank you!’ in Thai right? Just remember at least the word ขอบคุณ /khoob-khun/, you will be already ready to get around Thailand and impress Thai people with your gratitude. If possible, take a look at another article I wrote below about how to greet Thai people. You will be learning how to ‘wai’ properly (put the palms together) as the way to greet as well as to thank Thai people. 〉〉Learn Thai greetings and how to say ‘Hello’


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