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Different ways to say “I love you” in Thai ประโยคบอกรักภาษาไทย

I love you, I like you, will you marry me in Thai language

Let’s learn 5 romantic sentences to tell someone “I love you” in Thai language. 

Love and Like in Thai

First of all, I would like to teach you two important words of this lesson: 

To love (verb) in Thai is รัก (rák)

– ฉันรักคุณ (chǎn rák khun) = I love you in a formal way
– ฉันรักเธอ  (chǎn rák teer) =I love you in a casual way

To like (verb) in Thai is ชอบ (chôorb)

– ฉันชอบคุณ (chǎn chôorb khun) = I like you in a formal way
– ฉันชอบกินอาหารไทย (chǎn chôorb gin aa-hǎan-Thai) = I like to eat thai food.

* Please note that รัก (rák) is only used for people, animals or anything that are really intimate. In English you can say “I love chocolate”, but in Thai that sounds strange. You’d better say “I like chocolate”.

Romantic sentences in Thai

Love is all around. Love is everything. “Love” is easy to learn. Hereby, will teach you five different ways to express your love according to five different stages of love.

Stage 1: I like you in Thai

Let’s start with the first level! If you have started to like someone, and simply want to state  it, go ahead and say:

ฉันชอบคุณ /Chãn chôrb khun na/
= “I like you.”

/Khun/ is considered to be a more formal way to address someone.
If you desire to be more casual about the whole thing, use the word เธอ /theer/ instead.

ฉันชอบเธอนะ /Chãn chôrb theer na/
= “I like you.” (more casual, puppy love)

Stage 2: I fell in love with you!

Let’s progress to the next stage. If you already like someone and think that you fell in love with her/him, you can say:

ฉันตกหลุมรักคุณ /Chãn  dtòk-lum-rák khun/
= “I fell in the love hole of you.”

Does the direct translation sound a bit weird? Let me explain:

– ฉัน /Chãn= I/me (female speaker)
– ผม /Phõm/ = I/me (male spaker)
– ตกหลุมรัก /dtòk-lum-rák/ = falling in the love hole
– คุณ /khun/ = you

While we don’t say falling in the “love hole” of you in English, but simply say “falling in love with you”, in Thai, saying “falling in the love hole of you” is equivalent in meaning and intent to saying “falling in love with you” in English. Don’t worry. It works.

More advanced but natural ways to say are:

ฉันตกหลุมรักคุณเข้าแล้ว  (chãn dtòk luum-rák khun kâo-láew)
= “I fell in love with you already.” (female speaker) 

ผมตกหลุมรักคุณเข้าแล้ว (põm dtòk luum-rák khun kâo-láew)
=  “I fell in love with you already.” (male speaker) 

Stage 3: I love you in Thai

Things are starting to get serious. You love this person. What do you say?

ฉันรักคุณ /Chãn rák khun/
= “I love you.” (female speaker)

ผมรักคุณ /Põm rák khun/
= ‘”I love you” (male speaker)

which you can follow up with:

ฉันรักคุณมากๆนะ /Chãn rák khun maak maak na/
= “I love you very much.”

Note: รัก /Rák/ in Thai language holds a lot of weight to it and is seldom used. Only for the special one.

Stage 4: Will you marry me?

Things have been going well for a while and you feel sure that you want to spend your life with this person, you might want to pop this important question:

แต่งงานกับผมนะ /Tàeng-ngaan kab phom na/
= “Will you marry me? 

– แต่งงาน /Tàeng-ngaan/ = to get married
กับผม /kab põm/ = with me (male speaker)
– กับฉัน /kab chãn/ (female speaker)

Note: the word นะ (ná) us a particle that is used to inform something or to convince someone. 

Stage 5: I love you for a married couple 

This is the final stage! If you are happily married and wish to express your love to your wife in a casual yet lovely way, you can say:

รักเมียที่สุดในโลก /Rák mia thîi-sùd nai-lôhk/
= “I love you (my wife) the most in the world.” 

– เมีย /Mia/ = wife (very casual) while ภรรยา /pan-yaa/ is also a wife in an official or formal way.
– ที่สุด /tîi-sùd/ = the most
– ในโลก /nai-lôhk/ = in the world

If you are happily married and wish to express your love to your husband say:

รักสามีที่สุดในโลก /Rák sãa-mii thîi-sùd nai-lôhk/ = “I love my husband the most in the world.” 

– สามี /sãa-mii/ = husband (official, formal) while ผัว /pua/is a husband in a very casual way.

Alright then, you now have learned five ways to express love to a significant other in five different degrees of intensity. 

Now, go forth and spread the love, and don’t forget to do so to your family and friends alike. 

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